Continued development of this department has resulted in the opening of a modern animal house with BSL-2 and BSL-3 zones for conducting research on laboratory animals.
High quality standards are confirmed by GMP certificates obtained following periodical inspections of the General Pharmaceutical Inspector, stating compliance with EU directive 2003/94/WE for all drugs forms – injection, biological and non-sterile products.
At the beginning of 2020, new Animal House in the Quality Control Department was put into service.
The main purpose of research conducted in the house is quality control of medicinal products manufactured by Biowet Puławy. This includes residual toxicity tests, safety studies, testing for product strength, efficacy, pyrogen content, absorption rate, as well as skin allergy testing and studies using the infectious material. In the Animal House, research conducted by the QCD meets all recommendations of Good Laboratory Practice (J. of Laws of 2003, No. 116, item 1103).